Hi! I’m a Senior year undergrad student at IIIT-H majoring in Computer Science.My interests lie in Virtual Reality(VR),Computational Photograhy and Deep Reinforcement Learning.

I am currently working at Dreamvu inc. as a Research assistant.I have worked on generating real-time stereo panoramic videos and depth-maps from videos captured by a single-camera-mirror setup.A small demo of my work can be found here.I am now currently working on the problem of identifying objects and tracking them in the stereo-videos generated by our camera.I have worked on these projects in collaboration with Dr. Anoop Namboodiri and Rajat Aggarwal.

I’m also working as an undergraduate researcher at the Kohli Center for Intelligent Systems(IIIT-H) under the guidance of Dr.Girish Varma.Our aim is to improve upon the peformance of the current visual servoying algorithms and come up with a better solution using Reinforcement Learning.Until now I have implemented many of the fundamental algorithms in Deep-Reinforcement Learning including the DQN, DDPGand the A3C on environments in OpenAI-gym.

My Resume can be found here (CV).